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Our story...


How to help us?

  1. EVENT #1! On Wednesday 15th of Nov. 2023, 6-8pm at Old Paradise Yard, 20 carlise lane, SE1 7LG London

  2. Write to the GSTTF using or adapating our template. Write to the GSTTF using or adapating our template. HERE

  3. Sign the petition HERE

  4. Donate to the campaign HERE

  5. Share in the social media (Instagram, Facebook, X...)

  6. Be a volunteer, contact:

  7. Tell our MAXIMUM story around you! 

Join the thousands signatures

We’re fed up with greedy developers vandalising public spaces and our heritage,

with profits destined for a tax haven.

Please help us fight for a more sustainable alternative.

It’s time to put people and the planet before profits.

Enough Is Enough!  

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